Punch Tulsi Drop 20ML
Punch Tulsi Drop 20ML
i.Promotes Immunity
ii.Provides Anti-Oxidant Effect
iii.Protects common Cold & Cough .
iv.Helps to Improves Digestive Systems
v. Helps in Healthy Lifestyle
Panch Tulsi Drop is an ayurvedic formulation enriched with tulsi extracts, helpful in dengue fever, diabetes, asthma, B.P, allergy, swine flu, cold, fever and aids in blood purification. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It helps strengthen the immune system and fight against infections
Key Ingredients:
➤ Five tulsi extracts
Key Benefits:
➤ Tulsi is rich in antibacterial and antiviral properties that help prevent dengue fever, swine flu and other infectious disorders
➤ It supports the immune system and helps fight against infections
➤ It is helpful for maintaining digestive, skin, joint and liver health
➤ It aids in stress management and helps prevent free radical scavenging
➤ It also helps improve respiratory health
➤ It helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels
➤ It is helpful in allergies and acts as a blood purifier
How to Use:
• Take 3-5 drops in a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of water twice a day.
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