NimOil Liniment 60ML
NimOil Liniment 60ML
It helps in relieving pain associated with muscles and joint pains, neck pain, shoulder pain, legs pain and back pain without any side effects. It is pure herbal oil which is very useful on all kind pains. Massage with this Pain Oil may help in providing relief from Joint Pain, Back Pain, Knee Pain, Neck or shoulder Pain and muscle stiffness or sore muscles.
➢ Joint Pain
➢ Inflammation Sprains
➢ Strain, Stiff neck
➢ Backache
➢ Muscular Pain
➢ Body Massage
➢ Etc.
➢ Before applying NIMOIL liniment on the affected area, first clean the affected area and massage that area with heat for best results, after that cover that area with dry cotton.
➢ Use two or three times a day.
➢ Also used as a body massage oil."
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